Bll our national and sub regional customers products at lower cost, in quantity and in quality, respecting CAMEROON STANDARDS (NC 206: 2003-02 Rev 01-2007 / standards for soft drinks without alcohol and standard NC 04: 2000-20 codex STAN 108 -1985 Rev1-1991 / general standard for labeling prepackaged food in Cameroon).
Our juice workshops ensure the production and distribution of the registered brand of juice “Jordi Juice”, the exclusive property of Alpha Mineral Water Sarl.
O at ALPHA is to make the consumption of 100% natural drinks, based on fruit produced from 100% organic agriculture, a consumption habit as commonplace as the consumption of drinking water, and this for all layers of the population. Several scientific researches have demonstrated the high therapeutic values of certain fruits and plants, and we aim to gradually introduce into the market, fruit juices with nutritive values more and more relevant taking into account the public health issues of populations.
Our strategic plan for the next 05 years is articulated around the 04 pillars which constitute our entrepreneurial policy:
- Expand the range of processed fruits with an emphasis on fruits with high nutritional value that can play a dietary supplement role in order to help improve the health of consumers. Our R&D processes will thus be concentrated on the development of fruit juice formulations (100% natural) from the rich variety of fruits available in our very rich national flora;
- Maintain a pricing policy that makes it possible to make 100% natural fruit juice with high nutritional value, a common drink for all strata of the population;
- Expand the base of agricultural partners for the supply of raw materials for ALPHA, in order to popularize 100% organic farming techniques in the agricultural production of fruits and vegetables;
- Strengthen ALPHA Capacities in Research & Development, with a view to supplying a bank of fruit juice formulations with high nutritional value, from an increasingly wide range of fruit varieties available in our natural ecosystems.
Io fulfill our mission while respecting our values, we are committed to an ongoing approach to our quality system.
- Customer satisfaction
- Quality of service
- Technological innovation
- Employee enhancement
- Responsibility
- Integrity
Te best service to its customers and partners around the world, Alpha Mineral Water has set itself a major objective, broken down into three points:
- Be a major national and sub-regional player in the production of non-alcoholic refreshing drinks
- Be the national and sub-regional leader in the production of 100% natural sorrel non-alcoholic refreshing drinks
- Be the leader in the recovery of plastic waste material